The Relevance of Addressing Them and the Stereotypes of Latinas

Italian women are typically depicted in media as caramel skinned, strong- creamy, sexy, shapely, and feisty. Heroes quite as Gloria in Modern Family, Carmen Miranda, and Ximena are just […]


Italian women are typically depicted in media as caramel skinned, strong- creamy, sexy, shapely, and feisty. Heroes quite as Gloria in Modern Family, Carmen Miranda, and Ximena are just a few example. When we hear the term “latina stereotype,” they are the ladies we all associate with. They have a heavy accent, a wonderful speech, and a spicy character. Latinas are reduced to objects and have limited potential because of this seductive, wild notion.

In this article, 16 young Latinas who participated in focus groups and semistructured interviews at two federally qualified health centers in Baltimore, Maryland, explored their points of view and experiences using a social determinant of health ( Sdh) framework. Based on individuals’ language preferences, focus groups and interviews were conducted by a trained, fluent mediator in either English or Spanish.

Three main themes emerged: Individuals shared a desire and capacity to maximize their potentials through contraceptive company, believed they were responsible for their families ‘ economic well-being, frequently anticipating the birth of their future children, and emphasized the importance of childbearing delay in the achievement of educational and professional objectives. These findings demonstrate how crucial it is to correct female stereotypes to enable Latinas to realize their full potential. Translating these results into powerful, physician- centered counseling by family planning providers does assistance the aspirations of younger Latinas and promote equity in health care access.

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