Sugarcane production in the 2023/24 harvest is expected to grow by 4.4% compared to the 2022/23 cycle, being estimated at 637.1 million tons. The increase is influenced both by better crop yields and by the larger area devoted to growing the crop, as shown by the 1st Sugarcane Survey released this Wednesday (26) by the National Supply Company (Conab). In terms of area, the state-owned company expects 8.4 million hectares of sugarcane to be harvested, with an average yield of 75,751 kilos per hectare.

In the Southeast, the main producing region, the harvested volume should increase by 4.4%, when compared to the 2022/23 harvest, and could reach 404.71 million tons. Emphasis on São Paulo, where crops tend to improve productivity by 2.9%, and Minas Gerais, a state where not only improvement in field yields is expected, but also expansion in the area destined for the crop. In the Midwest, the second region that produces the most sugarcane, sugarcane production is estimated at 140.9 million tons, with an increase in area and productivity in this cycle.
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